Archive for the ‘GOOGLE ADWORDS’ Category

Advertise your small business online for high ROI


The basic concept of Google AdWords advertising for Small Businesses

Big businesses use SEO to boost the ranking of their websites organically for any given keywords, to compete with big businesses for the First page of Google, small businesses can use Search advertising. Search advertisers with small businesses bid for keywords to get highly ranked in the sponsored results side by side with big businesses. Advertisers pay Google only when a user clicks on their advertisement. SEO takes time and does not guarantee success (Chaffey), as in life in general nothing is for free, if you want to drive traffic to your website and get qualified web visitors, you need to spend money and advertise your small business online using search advertising. There are two main type of search engine advertising: keyword and display advertising


Advertise your Small Business Online Using Google AdWords. 

You can use this kind of advertising with Yahoo, Bing, but the most popular and value for money to advertise a small business online is Google AdWords since Google has more than 80% share in the search engine market. Keyword advertising is quite straight forward; it doesn’t require any professional artwork, as it is based on search words and description alone. Google AdWords advertising is a text only ad that shows on the top or on the right hand side of Google search results when a user types particular keywords. Unlike expensive traditional advertising, search engine advertiser does not pay a penny until her/his ad has been clicked on which will lead the user to the advertiser’s website.


Display Advertising Known as Banner Ads

Display ads are more graphic, they usually contain text, logos, photographs, location maps and may be audio and videos, Google offers a variety of formats and sizes of display ads to choose from, the banner ads look and feel like traditional billboard advertising, their purpose is to drive traffic to the advertiser’s website, when a user clicks on the banner he is directed to the advertiser’s website, the user then pays Google a certain amount of money for directing traffic to her/his website. Display advertising works well if you are advertising a relevant product or service on a targeted website.

for example if you are in the laptop repair business and you want to advertise your small business online, it is recommended to show your display ad on websites that sell computers or on IT experts blogs where they have better chance to be clicked on.

Display advertising works the same way traditional advertising does but it is more targeted and more precise and can easily be measured and monitored (John, Christopher.B). The most important thing in SEM or search engine marketing is to know what keywords people are typing when looking for a product or service online. Google offers Keyword-Planner for free for people to use to test keywords and their effectiveness. Keywords choice is fundamental to online advertising, digital marketing is not here to change what you know about business but it is here for you to apply what you already know, the old wisdom of selling tells us that active listening is an ideal quality for sales people, it’s the same when it comes to internet marketing and search advertising, the more you listen the more you learn from your customers, the more intelligently you can sell your products online, you need to know what people are saying online about the product you are trying to sell, how they say it and what words are they using to search for your product online, you need to know what they are looking and searching for, what they want, in this manner you can write and design search ads that mirrors and satisfy that need.

johnnie Fox's Ad for his Small Business

johnnie Fox’s ad for his Small Businesss

The next step to take after sending visitors to your website, you need to create forced actions so these visitors take action either by buying your product or fill out a form, you need landing pages for that purpose.


Landing Pages

A landing page is sometimes known as “lead capture page” this page will show whenever a user clicks on search engine search result; a landing page displays sales information about a specific product or service which is a logical follow-up to the advertisement. Landing pages are usually linked to social media, newsletters and online adverts in order to make them more effective, the lading page is used to convert leads into sales, it helps track the results of an ad campaign based on the amount of traffic it gets.



Choosing Long Tail Profitable Keywords will result in Higher Conversion Rate.


The internet is the best place to practice the theory of “long tail”, it is a word in which no size fits all, and in which anyone who tries to be all things to everyone ends up as nothing to anyone.

E-business is moving from mainstream and popular products to niche product and more specialized services. Find a niche and you make it fantastically easy for people to find you. Fail to do so and you risk ending up on the list of endangered species (Niche: James Harkin 2011).

A study by Erik Brynjolfsson, Yu (Jeffrey) Hu and Michael D. Smith revealed that a large proportion of’s book sales come from obscure books that were not available in brick and mortar stores.

In this blog post we are not going to write about long tail profitable products but about long tail profitable keywords.

Head keywords are the most popular, desirable and searched terms, long tail keywords are more specific, less familiar and generally have lower search volume but do not forget they have less competition so they can have high conversion rate and high return on investment.


This graph from the site outlines the relationship between long tail profitable keywords and head keywords and their search volume and conversion rate.

 Long Tail Keywords and their Conversion Rate

Long Tail Keywords and their Conversion Rate


Less experienced adwords advertisers tend to concentrate more on head terms then on the more profitable long tail keywords. Popular keywords cost more per click, choosing a long tail keyword is a good strategy to target only the users who are at the end of the purchasing process and ready to commit.

Completion is very high for the most popular keywords, people bid very high for this keywords forgetting about the value of long tail keywords, long tail keyword is a powerful way to leverage search traffic. Long tail keywords are highly relevant leading to higher conversion rate because they hit the spot that core keywords don’t. The goal of an ad campaign is to increase traffic, conversion rate and profit; advertisers do not want to waste money on unqualified users.

When a user types in laptop (core keyword) we don’t know if he is looking to buy a laptop, compare laptops or sell a laptop. If you have a laptop repair shop and advertise on Google AdWords you don’t want your ad to be show to this person which will results in paying Google for a non converting user, you would rather show your ad to a user that types in your chosen long tail keywords such as “Laptop repair Dublin” or “Laptop screen repair Dublin” and make money from your advertising. The head term (Laptop) is too broad where as the long tail keywords is more specific and hence more profitable keywords for you ad campaign and business.

Targeting long tail keyword is much easier in paid search than organic search, organic optimization take time for each keyword but in PPC advertising you can add long tail keywords to your account for free and pay only when they are clicked on. Popular terms are very costly and account only for 30% of the searches performed by internet users the remaining 70% are the long tail keywords searches.

Profitable Keywords for your Paid and Organic Search Results

Profitable Keywords for your Paid and Organic Search Results


Getting few customers that will convert is better than getting a huge amount of traffic and no conversions, long tail keywords helps you target the right customers who already know about what you specialize in and they know what they are looking for, Usually users who type in long tail keywords in the search engine are at the end of the purchasing process and ready to buy.

Procedures to follow to find your profitable long tail keywords

searching and digging your long tail keyword will give you the opportunity to know you customers better, what makes them tic.  Keyword planner will only give you few ideas, you need to be creative, put yourself in the user’s shoe, try to guess what the are thinking when doing their online search, conduct an imaginary search, ask friends and family for idea, gather intelligence from competitors websites


Plan and manage Google AdWords advertising.



Google adwords is an online advertising platform that matches key search terms with your advertisement. If your ad uses the keywords that the user is typing in the search engine, Google will show the ad to the user and if she/he clicks she/he will be directed to your website.
Google Pay Per Click advertising can be used by any kind of business, it takes time and money to create and manage a Google Adword campaign. Google AdWords advertising is useful because it gives businesses a measurable ROI and targets the right customers that are ready to take action (pull strategy).


How do these Businesses Plan and Manage to get high Ranking?

How do these Businesses Plan and Manage to get high Ranking


 Why should businesses use Google Adword Advertising

AdWord advertising gives business opportunities to show up on the First page of Google search results with the biggest companies that spend huge amount of money on SEO to show up high on the organic search results of the same page, competing side by side with big businesses using very limited resources makes Google AdWords a very attractive and cost effective for small businesses, Google dominate the search engines market more than 80% of internet users use Google search engine to look for products. PPC advertisers are in total control of their advertising budget; businesses can set a budget of 10, 20 or 50 euro a day and start testing different ads until they find the ad that has high ROI without breaking the bank
unlike traditional advertising, PPC advertising can be measured, you can track you ad performance through Google analytics and adjust it accordingly to get better results. Google analytics allows us to fine tune and manage Google adwords ads for maximum ROI.

How to use AdWords Successfully

you need to be strategic, skillful and meticulous in the management of your Google adwords ad campaign, failure to do so will lead to spending the advertising budget very quickly without getting any results,
the internet marketing strategy should follow a similar form to a traditional strategic marketing planning process and should include: goal setting, situation review, strategy formulation, resource allocation and monitoring (Chaffey)
keywords choice will determine the success or failure of you AdWords campaign, you must choose your keywords and phrases carefully to be found online, you need to target the right people using specific keywords the user is typing in the search engine to search for the product you are offering, your keywords must be relevant to what the users are searching for. You need to be aware of the competition for the keywords you are using, you can waste a big chunk of your advertising budget if your keywords are not the right ones that is why managing and monitoring your Google Adwords campaign is so important to see which of the keywords are best to spend money on..
Add value to you ads, give reason to people to click on your ads, the more value you add the more likely to get your ad clicked on, you must measure the impact of your ads and adjust them accordingly. The most important and valuable aspect of Google PPC advertising is the ability to monitor your ads and improve results for better ROI.


Big Businesses Plan and Manage their AdWords Campaigns for High ROI

Big Businesses Plan and Manage their AdWords Campaigns for High ROI

Play by the rules:

Google has very specific rules on advertising, advertisers who do not obey these rules will get banned from advertising on their platform, on the other hand Google will reward you when you stick to the rules. Compelling relevant ads are rewarded by Google, the more relevant your ad is the more clicks you get, the higher the click through ratio (CTR) the higher your ad quality score will be resulting in lower cost per click. When you manage Google AdWords properly and write relevant ads you will not waste your advertising budget on unqualified users.

Have a Clear Goal

What are you trying to achieve? Do you want to create brand awareness, sell or just collect data using a sign-up form? You need to be clear and specific about what you want to achieve.
Research your competition
Regular completive benchmarking should be conducted to compare services (Chaffey). It is vital to know what your competitors are doing in order to position your business and write ads that are appropriate and suitable to your positioning or niche in the market, The good thing about online advertising is that what your competition does is right in front of your eyes, on the internet everything is visible you just need to spend some time analyzing the data of your competitors to see what they are advertising and what is working for them, when you know your competitors and what they are doing, you can plan to copy or differentiate yourself from them and stand out from the crowd.